is a cool little thing; you can't look at two or three of the demos on their site before you realize it's really neat. Not to mention it's designed as a compliment to Wiring, the language used to program the Arduino and a number of other DIY hardware platforms.
So suffice to say, Processing is a compelling alternative to Flash for at least a handful of usage scenarios. So what if you're a Java/ Groovy programmer who wants access to Processing's coolness, without using their cute IDE? We're Java programmers after all; if I can't use Eclipse and integrate it with Hibernate and Spring -- well, that would be overkill. But let's just get to the point: you can use straight from your Java environment. In fact, here's their JavaDoc.
But, the Processing language is actually kinda nice! And if you look at all of those functions that Processing provides, they're all in the PApplet class. Well that's a pain in the ass. Never fear -- that's where Groovy steps in. You can use Groovy's language features to Make Processing's API at least as easy to use, and you get all of the cool features of the Groovy language as well!
Enough rambling -- here's an example:
import processing.core.* /** * A group of dots appear and then shrink in size. * This sketch uses the Groovy List and uses a second class SpriteEllipse. * This main extends PApplet so it can create the window. */ class CirclesDemo extends PApplet { // setup vars def sprites = [] def renderer = JAVA2D // P2D // state int nCount = -1 def animating = true int clickX, clickY = 0 void setup() { ellipseMode CENTER size 400, 400, renderer frameRate 20 smooth() textFont loadFont("TrebuchetMS-20.vlw"), 14 } void draw() { background 120 nCount++ nCount %= 90 // add additional sprites every so often: if ( ! nCount ) (1..20).each { sprites << new SpriteEllipse( this ) } def clicked sprites.each { s -> s.update() if ( s.dead ) s.init() else if ( clickX && s.isOver( clickX, clickY ) ) clicked = s s.render() } if ( clicked ) sprites.remove clicked clickX = 0 fill 255 // set text color text sprites.size(), 5, height-5 // update sprite count display } void keyPressed() { if ( key == ' ' && animating ) { noLoop(); animating = false } else { loop(); animating = true } } void mouseClicked() { // get mouse click pos for next draw() call. this.clickX = mouseX this.clickY = mouseY // println " $clickX $clickY" } static void main(args) { PApplet.main( [ "CirclesDemo" ] as String[] ); } }
Now the 'SpriteEllipse' class really could just be rolled up into the above
class -- since its functionality all comes from the PApplet anyway. But in Groovy
you can easily separate the functionality into a separate class and use Groovy's @Delegate to make it appear that SpriteEllipse extends PApplet.
import processing.core.PApplet class SpriteEllipse { private Float x = 0 private Float y = 0 private Float rad = 75 private Integer color = 20 private @Delegate PApplet pApplet SpriteEllipse(PApplet pApplet) { this.pApplet = pApplet // must be set first since it is delegate this.init() } void init() { /* Initialize fields to random vals */ this.x = random( 0, width ) this.y = random( 0, height ) this.rad = random( (int)( height*0.05 ), (int)( height*0.225 ) ) this.color = random( 0, 255 ) } void update() { if ( this.rad ) rad-- } void render() { fill color ellipse x, y, rad, rad } boolean isOver(int mx, int my) { (mx-x)*(mx-x) + (my-y)*(my-y) < rad*rad; } boolean isDead() { return rad < 1 } }
The full code is up on GitHub. This is a modified version of this guy's work, so he deserves most of the credit. Actually now that I look back at his example, about the only thing I did was make use of the @Delegate feature :)