Tuesday, December 15, 2009


My blog is now located at http://blog.thomnichols.org. Hosted on Google App Engine, the blog is written in Python based on Bill Katz' Bloog.

I've also made a bunch of improvements to the code, most of which are listed here.

Friday, October 30, 2009


So Blogger is a utilitarian platform at best. I started posting here mostly because it's free, but I knew it wouldn't suffice as something professional-looking.

I'm going to start teaching Python at ITT tech in December, and I've been looking for an optimal way to host more content and sharpen my Python skills at the same time. Enter Google App Engine: It's pay per usage, so I can host the application(s) indefinitely and not pay until I get a significant number of hits. And by significant, I mean like 5 million or so. So until I'm that popular, I can host rich web applications and content for free. Good deal for something that I'm looking to generate any income.

I found Bloog, a "RESTful blog app for GAE." Plus it's on GitHub and it's simple enough that I can easily modify it -- the perfect environment to start playing with Python again.

So eventually I'll move to my new Blog on GAE once I get it up an running. It should look super awesome (well, at least better than this) and let me customize to my heart's content.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Darken Google and other UserContent CSS tricks

So Stylish is a popular FireFox extension that allows you to change the way certain websites look.  Being a minimalist, I'm generally happy with the way websites are presented by default (once ads are removed, of course) and don't want to install another FireFox extension.

There are, however, a couple rare sites that I do have the desire to change.  The main culprit being Google.  More specifically, Google is too white (no that's not racist.)  Luckily, I can darken Google (that is, _real_ Google, not the Google Dark site.  Mostly because if I want to use Google's new search sandbox, Caffeine, the customized Google frontends can't do that.

Getting to the point, I can modify the CSS for any site I want using FireFox's UserContent.css file.  Here's a CSS snippet to darken Google's search results pages:

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.google.com/search),
  url-prefix(http://www2.sandbox.google.com) {

 body, #gsr {
  background-color: #111 !important;
  color: #ccc !important;

 #ssb, #tbd, #bsf, #mbEnd, #tads {
  background-color: #222 !important

 #mbEnd { border-left-color: transparent !important }

 a, .link { color: #7bC !important }

Here's a screenshot of the result:

And here's another handy trick: You can also remove those huge iframe ads from Google Reader in the same way:
@-moz-document url-prefix(https://www.google.com/reader/),
   url-prefix(http://www.google.com/reader/) {

  #viewer-container iframe {
   display: none !important

You can find more information on customizing FireFox here and here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The new XML: High Performance Serializers

While JSON has been regarded for some time as a good alternative to XML, binary data serializers such as Thrift and Protocol Buffers have more recently been gaining traction for their performance and compact output. Just the other day I came across Avro (now part of the Hadoop project) which puts itself as a direct competitor to Thrift and ProtoBufs.  Avro looks neat, but there are a few other data marshallers worth looking at too.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Upload to S3 with Groovy

So, uploading to S3 is not always as simple as it should be. Here's a completely self-contained Groovy script that can upload files to your S3 bucket, plus provide a signed link to access the uploaded file.

The script uses Groovy Grab macro to download the JetS3t library which does the heavy lifting.

/* Script to manipulate S3 objects.  
 * @author Tom Nichols
 * @see http://blog.thomnichols.org
 * @see http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/api/org/jets3t/service/impl/rest/httpclient/RestS3Service.html

import org.jets3t.service.impl.rest.httpclient.RestS3Service
import org.jets3t.service.security.AWSCredentials
import org.jets3t.service.model.*

bucketName =       'CHANGEME'
accessKey =        'CHANGEME'
secretKey =        'CHANGEME'
folder =           'CHANGEME' // optional folder name before the file

public putS3() {}

def login = new AWSCredentials( accessKey, secretKey )
def expiry = new GregorianCalendar( 2011,0,1 ).time
def s3 = new RestS3Service( login ) 
def bucket = new S3Bucket( bucketName )

args.each { fileName ->
  def key = "$folder/$fileName"
//  s3.deleteObject bucketName, key 
  def s3obj = new S3Object( bucket, new File( fileName ) )
  s3obj.key = key 
  println "\nUploading $fileName to $bucketName/$key"
  s3obj = s3.putObject( bucket, s3obj )
  def link = s3.createSignedGetUrl( bucketName, key, login, expiry, false )
  println "$fileName : $link"
Just change the bucket name, key and folder at the top of the script, or optionally you could pull them in via system properties or environment variables. Enjoy.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Groovy and Processing.org!

Processing.org is a cool little thing; you can't look at two or three of the demos on their site before you realize it's really neat.  Not to mention it's designed as a compliment to Wiring, the language used to program the Arduino and a number of other DIY hardware platforms. 

So suffice to say, Processing is a compelling alternative to Flash for at least a handful of usage scenarios.  So what if you're a Java/ Groovy programmer who wants access to Processing's coolness, without using their cute IDE?  We're Java programmers after all; if I can't use Eclipse and integrate it with Hibernate and Spring -- well, that would be overkill.  But let's just get to the point: you can use Processing.org straight from your Java environment.  In fact, here's their JavaDoc.

But, the Processing language is actually kinda nice!  And if you look at all of those functions that Processing provides, they're all in the PApplet class.  Well that's a pain in the ass.  Never fear -- that's where Groovy steps in.  You can use Groovy's language features to Make Processing's API at least as easy to use, and you get all of the cool features of the Groovy language as well!

Enough rambling -- here's an example:

import processing.core.*

 * A group of dots appear and then shrink in size.
 * This sketch uses the Groovy List and uses a second class SpriteEllipse.
 * This main extends PApplet so it can create the window.
class CirclesDemo extends PApplet {

    // setup vars
    def sprites = []
    def renderer = JAVA2D // P2D

    // state
    int nCount = -1
    def animating = true
    int clickX, clickY = 0
    void setup() {
        ellipseMode CENTER
        size 400, 400, renderer
        frameRate 20
        textFont loadFont("TrebuchetMS-20.vlw"), 14
    void draw() {
        background 120
        nCount %= 90  // add additional sprites every so often:
        if ( ! nCount ) (1..20).each {
            sprites << new SpriteEllipse( this ) 

        def clicked
        sprites.each { s ->
            if ( s.dead ) s.init()
            else if ( clickX && s.isOver( clickX, clickY ) ) clicked = s
        if ( clicked ) sprites.remove clicked
        clickX = 0
        fill 255 // set text color
        text sprites.size(), 5, height-5 // update sprite count display
    void keyPressed() {
        if ( key == ' ' && animating ) { noLoop(); animating = false }
        else { loop(); animating = true }
    void mouseClicked() { // get mouse click pos for next draw() call.
        this.clickX = mouseX
        this.clickY = mouseY
//        println " $clickX $clickY"
    static void main(args) {
        PApplet.main( [ "CirclesDemo" ] as String[] );

Now the 'SpriteEllipse' class really could just be rolled up into the above
class -- since its functionality all comes from the PApplet anyway.  But in Groovy
you can easily separate the functionality into a separate class and use Groovy's @Delegate to make it appear that SpriteEllipse extends PApplet.

import processing.core.PApplet

class SpriteEllipse {
    private Float x = 0
    private Float y = 0
    private Float rad = 75
    private Integer color = 20
    private @Delegate PApplet pApplet
    SpriteEllipse(PApplet pApplet) {
        this.pApplet = pApplet // must be set first since it is delegate
    void init() {    /* Initialize fields to random vals */
        this.x = random( 0, width )
        this.y = random( 0, height )
        this.rad = random( (int)( height*0.05 ), (int)( height*0.225 ) )
        this.color = random( 0, 255 )        
    void update() { if ( this.rad ) rad-- }
    void render() {
        fill color
        ellipse x, y, rad, rad

    boolean isOver(int mx, int my) {
        (mx-x)*(mx-x) + (my-y)*(my-y) < rad*rad;
    boolean isDead() { return rad < 1 }

The full code is up on GitHub.  This is a modified version of this guy's work, so he deserves most of the credit. Actually now that I look back at his example, about the only thing I did was make use of the @Delegate feature :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hardware Console Monitoring without HyperTerminal

Although I'm a software engineer, I do, occasionally *gasp* have to interact with hardware. Of course that's an oxymoron, but what I mean is there are of course, a large number of programmers work on mainly client-server software that runs on commodity hardware (i.e. UNIX,Linux/Windows) and their biggest worry is which direction the directory slash faces - windows\ or linux/ - Aah!

So, let me share with you my experience of hooking one of these guys up to my laptop via a serial cable. Crazy, I know. Now on Windows, standard procedure is to fire up HyperTerminal -- seemingly the only application in Windows that hasn't been updated since Windows 3.x. It makes Minesweeper look like a 3D interface out of 'Minority Report.'

Getting to the point -- I thought "there's got to be something better than the compuing equivalent of smashing rocks together." Now, I'm perfectly comfortable with a real console window, so I went about trying to see if good ol' Cygwin can help me out here.

I found this link, which isn't exactly a step-by-step tutorial, but it was enough to help me figure it out. Given the following settings in HyperTerminal:
  • Connect Using: COM1
  • Baud rate: 9600
  • Parity: none
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Flow Control: Hardware
This translates (roughly) to the following TTY settings:
$ stty -F /dev/ttyS0 9600 crtscts clocal

And after you've done that... Nothing happens! Now what? Ok, now I can do this:
$ cat /dev/ttyS0

and see the console output from the device in my local console! Sweet.

Now it's not perfect -- for some reason, 'less' didn't quite work; to get around it I did this:
$ cat /dev/ttyS0 >> ilon.console.log
$ less ilon.console.log
..  [ then press 'F' to tail that log ]

So this worked fairly well. I'm not sure if this would work if the console
needed to accept input, but this is still an improvement over HyperTerminal :)

EDIT: More info on general Linux serial support.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Post

Trying out Blogger to see if it's a suitable platform for tech-related posts. TiddlyWiki, as cool as it is, doesn't make a good blogging platform because it requires manually syncing the local and web version.

First order of business: figure out how to get good code snippet support.

TODO: try out TwitBlogs.